
分类: JVM 发布于:






方法调用过程中, 堆栈的作用:

  • 存储方法用到的参数。用BP+偏移量的方法,把参数引入到方法作用域内。

  • 存储方法的返回值。把返回值重新放回到调用方的栈中。

  • 存储下一条指令的地址, 以便方法调用返回后继续执行。

  • 存储机器指令用到的操作数。

堆栈先进后出、后进先出的性质, 契合了函数嵌套调用的过程。

就像拉皮筋,被动伸展(这个过程消耗生物体能量),却可自动收缩。递归表达了更高级的调用形式- 自动伸缩。




CS:IP 和 BP:SP 张开了一个至少2个维度的空间。随着指令指针IP的往前推进,BP和SP像两个用弹簧连在一起的滑块,上下移动。




    1. JVM为执行java函数配备堆栈模型,然后JMP到调用Main函数。 这一步实现了从C++到Java的跨越。


    1. 从字节码中解析字节码函数调用指令,eg. invoke_virtual,通过解释器或者JIT的指令分发函数去执行java函数。 从这个角度讲,java函数完成了‘函数’的定义,这个阶段的函数是抽象命令的集合。当被JIT解释执行的时候,才对应到了不同CPU架构下的具体指令的函数实现。Java的函数实现过程是用具体CPU架构下的指令去拟合的过程。


第一阶段 使用JNI接口调用Main函数


在jvm的加载过程中,InvocationFunctions* ifn 这个结构体是libjvm动态库加载过程的精华所在。InvocationFunctions 是由3个函数指针组成的结构体。分别指向三个JNI接口。


JLI_Launch -> LoadJavaVM -> JVMInit


main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* ..省略.. */ // 这一步直接返回JLI_Launch
    return JLI_Launch(margc, margv,
                   sizeof(const_jargs) / sizeof(char *), const_jargs,
                   sizeof(const_appclasspath) / sizeof(char *), const_appclasspath,
                   (const_progname != NULL) ? const_progname : *margv,
                   (const_launcher != NULL) ? const_launcher : *margv,
                   (const_jargs != NULL) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE,
                   const_cpwildcard, const_javaw, const_ergo_class);

第二步,初始化jvm, 这一步相当于为工厂车间里面的各种生产工具上电。

 * Entry point. 
JLI_Launch(int argc, char ** argv,              /* main argc, argc */
        int jargc, const char** jargv,          /* java args */
        int appclassc, const char** appclassv,  /* app classpath */
        const char* fullversion,                /* full version defined */
        const char* dotversion,                 /* dot version defined */
        const char* pname,                      /* program name */
        const char* lname,                      /* launcher name */
        jboolean javaargs,                      /* JAVA_ARGS */
        jboolean cpwildcard,                    /* classpath wildcard*/
        jboolean javaw,                         /* windows-only javaw */
        jint ergo                               /* ergonomics class policy */
    int mode = LM_UNKNOWN;  // 有三种模式 { "Unknown", "Main class", "JAR file" }; 用Main class 启动或者jar包启动,默认为未知
    char *what = NULL;
    char *cpath = 0;
    char *main_class = NULL; // 指定main_class
    int ret;
    InvocationFunctions ifn; // vm从动态库加载以后,返回地址存在这个结构中。为JNI本地函数调用放开接口,这个结构体中存储了3个函数指针。调用者可直接跳转。
    jlong start, end;
    char jvmpath[MAXPATHLEN]; // jvm 路径
    char jrepath[MAXPATHLEN]; // jre 路径
    char jvmcfg[MAXPATHLEN];

    _fVersion = fullversion;
    _dVersion = dotversion;
    _launcher_name = lname;
    _program_name = pname;
    _is_java_args = javaargs;
    _wc_enabled = cpwildcard;
    _ergo_policy = ergo; // java -XX:+PrintFlagsInitial -version jvm 运行时参数设置。 ergonomics class 可以解释为 java运行时体征类
     * 略过
    if (!LoadJavaVM(jvmpath, &ifn)) { // 从相应平台上加载jvm的动态链接库,初始化ifn
    .... 为java application设置参数(略过) ....
    // 启动jvm, 这个函数以后,java就像天空中的风筝,与启动器分道扬镳了
    return JVMInit(&ifn, threadStackSize, argc, argv, mode, what, ret);


JVMInit(InvocationFunctions* ifn, jlong threadStackSize,
        int argc, char **argv,
        int mode, char *what, int ret)
    return ContinueInNewThread(ifn, threadStackSize, argc, argv, mode, what, ret);


ContinueInNewThread(InvocationFunctions* ifn, jlong threadStackSize,
                    int argc, char **argv,
                    int mode, char *what, int ret)

     * If user doesn't specify stack size, check if VM has a preference.
     * Note that HotSpot no longer supports JNI_VERSION_1_1 but it will
     * return its default stack size through the init args structure.
    if (threadStackSize == 0) {
      struct JDK1_1InitArgs args1_1;
      memset((void*)&args1_1, 0, sizeof(args1_1));
      args1_1.version = JNI_VERSION_1_1;
      ifn->GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs(&args1_1);  /* ignore return value */
      if (args1_1.javaStackSize > 0) {
         threadStackSize = args1_1.javaStackSize;

    { /* Create a new thread to create JVM and invoke main method */
      JavaMainArgs args;
      int rslt;

      args.argc = argc;
      args.argv = argv;
      args.mode = mode;
      args.what = what;
      args.ifn = *ifn;

      rslt = ContinueInNewThread0(JavaMain, threadStackSize, (void*)&args);
      /* If the caller has deemed there is an error we
       * simply return that, otherwise we return the value of
       * the callee
      return (ret != 0) ? ret : rslt;



在pthread_create调用过程中,参数 (void ()(void*))continuation 是一个函数指针格式的入参,指向JavaMain入口函数。


int JNICALL JavaMain(void * args); /* entry point 

JavaMain(void * _args)
    JavaMainArgs *args = (JavaMainArgs *)_args; // 参数的地址是随线程启动传入的
    int argc = args->argc; // 参数数量,对函数来说,数量和类型同等重要,因为它是寻址依据。
    char **argv = args->argv;
    int mode = args->mode;
    char *what = args->what;
    InvocationFunctions ifn = args->ifn;//函数指针构成的结构体

    JavaVM *vm = 0;
    JNIEnv *env = 0;
    jclass mainClass = NULL;
    jclass appClass = NULL; // actual application class being launched
    jmethodID mainID;
    jobjectArray mainArgs;
    int ret = 0;
    jlong start, end;


    if (!InitializeJVM(&vm, &env, &ifn)) { // ifn->CreateJavaVM(pvm, (void **)penv, &args); 这一步初始化虚拟机, 可以看到ifn所以jvm动态库入口的函数指针,在这个函数中的作用是初始化JVM。以上的5步函数跳转是为这次调用准备环境变量和参数。

    /* Invoke main method. */  // 这里调用Main函数。
    (*env)->CallStaticVoidMethod(env, mainClass, mainID, mainArgs);



 * Pointers to the needed JNI invocation API, initialized by LoadJavaVM.
typedef jint (JNICALL *CreateJavaVM_t)(JavaVM **pvm, void **env, void *args);
typedef jint (JNICALL *GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs_t)(void *args);
typedef jint (JNICALL *GetCreatedJavaVMs_t)(JavaVM **vmBuf, jsize bufLen, jsize *nVMs);

typedef struct {
    CreateJavaVM_t CreateJavaVM;
    GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs_t GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs;
    GetCreatedJavaVMs_t GetCreatedJavaVMs;
} InvocationFunctions;


另外两个函数指针被Java Native函数使用。







  • JavaCalls



    // do call
  { JavaCallWrapper link(method, receiver, result, CHECK);
    { HandleMark hm(thread);  // HandleMark used by HandleMarkCleaner

        // (intptr_t*)&(result->_value), // see NOTE above (compiler problem)
        result_val_address,          // see NOTE above (compiler problem)
  } // Exit JavaCallWrapper (can block - potential return oop must be preserved)


Java文件中定义的方法, 它按照MethodDesc定义的格式被载入内存后,始终以java字节码的形式存在于Metaspace的堆中。背后的问题是,C++生成的机器指令如何调用抽象的“字节码”?




java method layout

call_stub 也是一个函数指针,定义如下:

 // Calls to Java
  typedef void (*CallStub)(
    address   link,
    intptr_t* result,
    BasicType result_type,
    Method* method,
    address   entry_point,
    intptr_t* parameters,
    int       size_of_parameters,

   static CallStub call_stub() { 
       return CAST_TO_FN_PTR(CallStub, _call_stub_entry); 

x86平台上,_call_stub_entry 在文件



    StubRoutines::_call_stub_entry =


thread.cpp -> Threads::create_vm()


init.cpp -> init_globals() -> stubRoutines_init1() -> stubRoutines_init2()


StubGenerator_generate() -> generate_initial()

StubRoutines::_call_stub_entry              =

x86上的陷阱生成函数StubGenerator_generate(), 分析一下这个函数

  // Call stubs are used to call Java from C
  //    [ return_from_Java     ] <--- rsp
  //    [ argument word n      ]
  //      ...
  // -N [ argument word 1      ]
  // -7 [ Possible padding for stack alignment ]
  // -6 [ Possible padding for stack alignment ]
  // -5 [ Possible padding for stack alignment ]
  // -4 [ mxcsr save           ] <--- rsp_after_call
  // -3 [ saved rbx,            ]
  // -2 [ saved rsi            ]
  // -1 [ saved rdi            ]
  //  0 [ saved rbp,            ] <--- rbp,
  //  1 [ return address       ]
  //  2 [ ptr. to call wrapper ]
  //  3 [ result               ]
  //  4 [ result_type          ]
  //  5 [ method               ]
  //  6 [ entry_point          ]
  //  7 [ parameters           ]
  //  8 [ parameter_size       ]
  //  9 [ thread               ]

  address generate_call_stub(address& return_address) {
    StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "call_stub");
    address start = __ pc(); // 取到当前指令寄存器的值,从这个地址开始注入“字节码”编译后的汇编代码

    // stub code parameters / addresses
    assert(frame::entry_frame_call_wrapper_offset == 2, "adjust this code");
    bool  sse_save = false;
    const Address rsp_after_call(rbp, -4 * wordSize); // same as in generate_catch_exception()!
    const int     locals_count_in_bytes  (4*wordSize);
    const Address mxcsr_save    (rbp, -4 * wordSize);
    const Address saved_rbx     (rbp, -3 * wordSize);
    const Address saved_rsi     (rbp, -2 * wordSize);
    const Address saved_rdi     (rbp, -1 * wordSize);
    const Address result        (rbp,  3 * wordSize);
    const Address result_type   (rbp,  4 * wordSize);
    const Address method        (rbp,  5 * wordSize);
    const Address entry_point   (rbp,  6 * wordSize);
    const Address parameters    (rbp,  7 * wordSize);
    const Address parameter_size(rbp,  8 * wordSize);
    const Address thread        (rbp,  9 * wordSize); // same as in generate_catch_exception()!
    sse_save =  UseSSE > 0;

    // stub code // 桩代码开始  __ 这个符号是一个宏,被替换后执行emit方法: 直接把机器指令送入代码段内存
    __ enter();
    __ movptr(rcx, parameter_size);              // parameter counter
    __ shlptr(rcx, Interpreter::logStackElementSize); // convert parameter count to bytes
    __ addptr(rcx, locals_count_in_bytes);       // reserve space for register saves
    __ subptr(rsp, rcx);
    __ andptr(rsp, -(StackAlignmentInBytes));    // Align stack

    // save rdi, rsi, & rbx, according to C calling conventions // 这个地方是最微妙的地方,查了很多资料后来终于懂了
    __ movptr(saved_rdi, rdi);
    __ movptr(saved_rsi, rsi);
    __ movptr(saved_rbx, rbx);
    // save and initialize %mxcsr
    if (sse_save) {
      Label skip_ldmx;
      __ stmxcsr(mxcsr_save);
      __ movl(rax, mxcsr_save);
      __ andl(rax, MXCSR_MASK);    // Only check control and mask bits
      ExternalAddress mxcsr_std(StubRoutines::addr_mxcsr_std());
      __ cmp32(rax, mxcsr_std);
      __ jcc(Assembler::equal, skip_ldmx);
      __ ldmxcsr(mxcsr_std);
      __ bind(skip_ldmx);

    // make sure the control word is correct.
    __ fldcw(ExternalAddress(StubRoutines::addr_fpu_cntrl_wrd_std()));

#ifdef ASSERT
    // make sure we have no pending exceptions
    { Label L;
      __ movptr(rcx, thread);
      __ cmpptr(Address(rcx, Thread::pending_exception_offset()), (int32_t)NULL_WORD);
      __ jcc(Assembler::equal, L);
      __ stop("StubRoutines::call_stub: entered with pending exception");
      __ bind(L);

    // pass parameters if any
    BLOCK_COMMENT("pass parameters if any");
    Label parameters_done;
    __ movl(rcx, parameter_size);  // parameter counter
    __ testl(rcx, rcx);
    __ jcc(Assembler::zero, parameters_done);

    // parameter passing loop

    Label loop;
    // Copy Java parameters in reverse order (receiver last)
    // Note that the argument order is inverted in the process
    // source is rdx[rcx: N-1..0]
    // dest   is rsp[rbx: 0..N-1]

    __ movptr(rdx, parameters);          // parameter pointer
    __ xorptr(rbx, rbx);

    __ BIND(loop); // 这一步循环,把参数复制到当前栈中

    // get parameter
    __ movptr(rax, Address(rdx, rcx, Interpreter::stackElementScale(), -wordSize));
    __ movptr(Address(rsp, rbx, Interpreter::stackElementScale(),
                    Interpreter::expr_offset_in_bytes(0)), rax);          // store parameter
    __ increment(rbx);
    __ decrement(rcx);
    __ jcc(Assembler::notZero, loop);

    // call Java function
    __ BIND(parameters_done);
    __ movptr(rbx, method);           // get Method*  // 保存mothod的地址,跳入 _entry_point 以后会用到
    __ movptr(rax, entry_point);      // get entry_point // 字节码解析入口
    __ mov(rsi, rsp);                 // set sender sp
    BLOCK_COMMENT("call Java function");
    __ call(rax);

    return_address = __ pc();

#ifdef COMPILER2
      Label L_skip;
      if (UseSSE >= 2) {
        __ verify_FPU(0, "call_stub_return");
      } else {
        for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
          __ ffree(i);

        // UseSSE <= 1 so double result should be left on TOS
        __ movl(rsi, result_type);
        __ cmpl(rsi, T_DOUBLE);
        __ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_skip);
        if (UseSSE == 0) {
          // UseSSE == 0 so float result should be left on TOS
          __ cmpl(rsi, T_FLOAT);
          __ jcc(Assembler::equal, L_skip);
        __ ffree(0);
      __ BIND(L_skip);
#endif // COMPILER2

    // store result depending on type
    // (everything that is not T_LONG, T_FLOAT or T_DOUBLE is treated as T_INT)
    __ movptr(rdi, result);
    Label is_long, is_float, is_double, exit;
    __ movl(rsi, result_type);
    __ cmpl(rsi, T_LONG);
    __ jcc(Assembler::equal, is_long);
    __ cmpl(rsi, T_FLOAT);
    __ jcc(Assembler::equal, is_float);
    __ cmpl(rsi, T_DOUBLE);
    __ jcc(Assembler::equal, is_double);

    // handle T_INT case
    __ movl(Address(rdi, 0), rax);
    __ BIND(exit);

    // check that FPU stack is empty
    __ verify_FPU(0, "generate_call_stub");

    // pop parameters
    __ lea(rsp, rsp_after_call);

    // restore %mxcsr
    if (sse_save) {
      __ ldmxcsr(mxcsr_save);

    // restore rdi, rsi and rbx,
    __ movptr(rbx, saved_rbx);
    __ movptr(rsi, saved_rsi);
    __ movptr(rdi, saved_rdi);
    __ addptr(rsp, 4*wordSize);

    // return
    __ pop(rbp);
    __ ret(0);

    // handle return types different from T_INT
    __ BIND(is_long);
    __ movl(Address(rdi, 0 * wordSize), rax);
    __ movl(Address(rdi, 1 * wordSize), rdx);
    __ jmp(exit);

    __ BIND(is_float);
    // interpreter uses xmm0 for return values
    if (UseSSE >= 1) {
      __ movflt(Address(rdi, 0), xmm0);
    } else {
      __ fstp_s(Address(rdi, 0));
    __ jmp(exit);

    __ BIND(is_double);
    // interpreter uses xmm0 for return values
    if (UseSSE >= 2) {
      __ movdbl(Address(rdi, 0), xmm0);
    } else {
      __ fstp_d(Address(rdi, 0));
    __ jmp(exit);

    return start;



这个问题最终的答案在_entry_point例程中。 它也是一个提前挖好的“陷阱”。


   __ movptr(rax, entry_point);      // get entry_point // 字节码解析入口
    __ mov(rsi, rsp);                 // set sender sp
    BLOCK_COMMENT("call Java function");
    __ call(rax);

跳入了 entry_point, 这个陷阱的“生成过程”如下

// Generic interpreted method entry to (asm) interpreter
address InterpreterGenerator::generate_normal_entry(bool synchronized) {
  // determine code generation flags
  bool inc_counter  = UseCompiler || CountCompiledCalls;

  // ebx: Method*
  // r13: sender sp
  address entry_point = __ pc();

  const Address constMethod(rbx, Method::const_offset()); // java字节码存在constMethod中, Method中保存constMethod的引用
  const Address access_flags(rbx, Method::access_flags_offset());
  const Address size_of_parameters(rdx,
                                   ConstMethod::size_of_parameters_offset()); //取得参数数量
  const Address size_of_locals(rdx, ConstMethod::size_of_locals_offset()); //取得本地变量的数量。  

  // get parameter size (always needed)
  __ movptr(rdx, constMethod);
  __ load_unsigned_short(rcx, size_of_parameters);

  // rbx: Method*
  // rcx: size of parameters // rcx寄存器的值,来自_call_stub
  // r13: sender_sp (could differ from sp+wordSize if we were called via c2i )

  __ load_unsigned_short(rdx, size_of_locals); // get size of locals in words
  __ subl(rdx, rcx); // rdx = no. of additional locals

  // YYY
//   __ incrementl(rdx);
//   __ andl(rdx, -2);

  // see if we've got enough room on the stack for locals plus overhead.

  // get return address
  __ pop(rax);

  // compute beginning of parameters (r14)
  __ lea(r14, Address(rsp, rcx, Address::times_8, -wordSize));

  // rdx - # of additional locals
  // allocate space for locals
  // explicitly initialize locals  // 清零
    Label exit, loop;
    __ testl(rdx, rdx);
    __ jcc(Assembler::lessEqual, exit); // do nothing if rdx <= 0
    __ bind(loop);
    __ push((int) NULL_WORD); // initialize local variables
    __ decrementl(rdx); // until everything initialized
    __ jcc(Assembler::greater, loop);
    __ bind(exit);

  // initialize fixed part of activation frame // 所有的尺寸设定好以后,生成java中的栈帧

  // make sure method is not native & not abstract
#ifdef ASSERT
  __ movl(rax, access_flags);
    Label L;
    __ testl(rax, JVM_ACC_NATIVE);
    __ jcc(Assembler::zero, L);
    __ stop("tried to execute native method as non-native");
    __ bind(L);
    Label L;
    __ testl(rax, JVM_ACC_ABSTRACT);
    __ jcc(Assembler::zero, L);
    __ stop("tried to execute abstract method in interpreter");
    __ bind(L);

  // Since at this point in the method invocation the exception
  // handler would try to exit the monitor of synchronized methods
  // which hasn't been entered yet, we set the thread local variable
  // _do_not_unlock_if_synchronized to true. The remove_activation
  // will check this flag.

  const Address do_not_unlock_if_synchronized(r15_thread,
  __ movbool(do_not_unlock_if_synchronized, true);

  __ profile_parameters_type(rax, rcx, rdx);
  // increment invocation count & check for overflow
  Label invocation_counter_overflow;
  Label profile_method;
  Label profile_method_continue;
  if (inc_counter) {
    if (ProfileInterpreter) {
      __ bind(profile_method_continue);

  Label continue_after_compile;
  __ bind(continue_after_compile);

  // check for synchronized interpreted methods

  // reset the _do_not_unlock_if_synchronized flag
  __ movbool(do_not_unlock_if_synchronized, false);

  // check for synchronized methods
  // Must happen AFTER invocation_counter check and stack overflow check,
  // so method is not locked if overflows.
  if (synchronized) {
    // Allocate monitor and lock method
  } else {
    // no synchronization necessary
#ifdef ASSERT
      Label L;
      __ movl(rax, access_flags);
      __ testl(rax, JVM_ACC_SYNCHRONIZED);
      __ jcc(Assembler::zero, L);
      __ stop("method needs synchronization");
      __ bind(L);

  // start execution
#ifdef ASSERT
    Label L;
     const Address monitor_block_top (rbp,
                 frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_block_top_offset * wordSize);
    __ movptr(rax, monitor_block_top);
    __ cmpptr(rax, rsp);
    __ jcc(Assembler::equal, L);
    __ stop("broken stack frame setup in interpreter");
    __ bind(L);

  // jvmti support
  __ notify_method_entry();

  __ dispatch_next(vtos);

  // invocation counter overflow
  if (inc_counter) {
    if (ProfileInterpreter) {
      // We have decided to profile this method in the interpreter
      __ bind(profile_method);
      __ call_VM(noreg, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::profile_method));
      __ set_method_data_pointer_for_bcp();
      __ get_method(rbx);
      __ jmp(profile_method_continue);
    // Handle overflow of counter and compile method
    __ bind(invocation_counter_overflow);

  return entry_point;
  // jvmti support
  __ notify_method_entry();

  __ dispatch_next(vtos);
